Value or Price in Housing?

Ben Franklin said “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten”.  

A quality home costs more up front, but breakdowns, repairs and replacements will cost much more over the life of the home, financially and emotionally.

Usually, the difference in price means just a few dollars a month in the payment.  As time passes, the payment becomes a smaller portion of your income, while the frustrations and expenses of poor quality grows . A home is the most expensive investment most people make.  “You can have high quality OR cheap price, but you can’t have both.”  Choose wisely.

With over 60 years of experience in the manufactured home industry, we can help guide your choices as you make this most important investment decision.

Lora Whitemarsh, DeTray’s Housing Consultant

Public Display of New Manufactured Home

Sometimes you just have to see something to appreciate the value. Such was the case at the 2023 Puyallup RV Show. “DeTray’s Custom Homes and Champion Home Builders staff participated in the 4-day MHRV Show in Puyallup at the Washington State Fairgrounds earlier this month. Pictured is the Champion Home flooring model available for public viewing,” stated Lance C. Clark, Executive Director of the Northwest Housing Association.

DeTray’s Custom Housing showcased a beautiful “smaller home” presented to conform with A.D.U. aka Mother-in-Law homes, vacation-style homes, or a small primary dwelling. At approximately 1,080 square feet of luxurious interior styling, this home was by far the greatest value at the RV Show this year.

Participating at the RV Show provided many people the opportunity to view and experience the features and benefits that manufactured housing has to offer. Many commented that they were surprised to see the quality in the home and it’s affordability and were able to ask questions of DeTray’s and Champion Homes’ staff.

It was great to see and meet the people attending the show and open the door to new ideas for their varying lifestyles. The home is fully furnished and is now available to view again at DeTray’s Model Home Showplace, 10209 149th St E. Puyallup, WA – our Village Appropriate display center on South Hill. We hope you’ll stop by and see all of our model houses and get more ideas for your next new home.

See DeTray’s Newest Model at the Puyallup RV Show

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Dave Helgeson for a previous Puyallup RV Show and is represented here with permission. See more of Dave’s articles at DeTray’s Custom Housing will be debuting their newest model home at this year’s show.

Why are there manufactured homes at the Puyallup RV Show? Let’s look at the history of manufactured homes and RVs and many reasons why they “go together so well” today.

Long before there were manufacturers building motorhomes and fifth wheels, there were manufacturers like Kit, Skyline and Fleetwood building trailers; long ones, short ones and some wider than others.

The bigger trailers made great housing for service men returning from WWII, while others found the shorter ones great for camping. In fact, before the term RV was coined, RV Shows were known as “Trailer Shows” as that was primarily the only type of mobile housing being exhibited. As the bigger “house” trailers became longer, wider and heavier they became known as Mobile Homes while the smaller ones meant for camping were called travel trailers.

As the two types further evolved, mobile homes (which were no longer very mobile) became Manufactured Homes while Travel Trailers became the forerunners to all the types of RVs built today. While the two types of trailers and their intended use diverged over the years, they have always been exhibited together at the Puyallup Show and here are a few reasons why they will continue to be.

Many attending the Puyallup Show are searching for something to place on their vacation property. While an RV or park model makes sense some of the time, a roomy manufactured home may be a much better solution. A typical RV is built for weekend getaways and a week or two-long family vacation, not for long periods of occupancy like manufactured homes can withstand.

Manufactured homes offer better value than other housing solutions. Since modern manufactured homes are built to a different set of standards than RVs, tiny homes or recreational park models, the cost per square foot is often considerably less. For what you would pay for a nice 400 square foot fifth wheel or park model, you are likely able to buy nearly 800 square feet worth of a residential styled manufactured home.

Another reason to consider manufactured housing over a site-built home for your vacation property: finding a builder to construct your vacation home can be a difficult task. Most onsite builders subcontract the majority of the work to other businesses such as plumbers, electricians and roofers making scheduling difficult and in many cases driving the cost of the total project through the roof. If your vacation property is in a rural area, the cost rises even more as all these sub-contractors add for their travel time. With a manufactured home these costs are controlled in a factory setting.

Building in a factory maximizes efficiency, eliminates mistakes and there are never weather-related construction delays. Manufactured homes are fast too! Once your site is prepared for a manufactured home, the home can be delivered, set up and ready for you to occupy in a matter of weeks, not months. The quick installations that manufactured homes offer make them a great option for areas with short building seasons like the mountains too.

Manufactured homes also provide the ideal retirement home for RVers on the go. Since manufactured homes are built indoors to a national building code (unlike conventional site-built homes mentioned above) they are better built requiring less care and maintenance than their site built equivalent, allowing RVers to spend more time on the road and less time on home repairs. For an even more carefree leisurely retirement experience, consider placing your manufactured home in a 55 plus park. Following are several reasons a manufactured home park appeals to active RVers:

– Many offer secure onsite RV storage

– Many are gated communities allowing you to feel secure leaving you home while on extended RV treks

– Some offer yard service, so you have no worries about your yard getting overgrown while you are out on the road in you RV

Do you have an aging parent or an offspring that hasn’t quite left you as empty nesters? Often manufactured homes are suitable as a secondary dwelling unit on a single property. Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) also referred to as accessory apartments, second units, or granny flats, are additional living quarters on single-family lots that are independent of the primary dwelling unit. The separate living spaces are equipped with kitchen and bath­room facilities and can either be attached or detached from the main residence. These are a great choice for an aging relative, college student or young adult who needs a place to call their own. They also make a great guest suite when out-of-towners come for a visit.

As you can see, manufactured homes are extremely versatile and can serve for a variety of housing needs including a vacation home on the lake.

While “trailers” have changed a lot over the past 50 years or so, the Puyallup RV Show is still the place to see the latest in manufactured housing, travel trailers and today’s RVs. You’ll be amazed at what they have to offer.

See the debut of our newest model home at this year’s Puyallup RV Show, May 4th – 7th at the Washington State Fair Events Center in Puyallup.

Manufactured Homes – A Popular Housing Option for 2023

Manufactured homes, also known as mobile homes, have come a long way in terms of quality and comfort over the years. They are now a popular housing option for millions of people across the United States. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of manufactured homes and why they may be the right choice for you.

  1. Affordability

One of the biggest benefits of manufactured homes is their affordability. In general, manufactured homes cost less than traditional stick-built homes. This is because they are built in a factory setting, where costs can be controlled more easily. Additionally, they require less time and labor to construct, which reduces costs further.

  1. Customization

Manufactured homes offer a high degree of customization. You can choose from a range of floor plans, finishes, and features to create a home that suits your specific needs and tastes. This means you can get the home you want without breaking the bank.

  1. Energy Efficiency

Modern manufactured homes are highly energy-efficient. They are designed with energy-saving features such as low-E windows, insulation, and efficient HVAC systems. This can help you save money on utility bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

  1. Durability

Manufactured homes are built to withstand the rigors of transportation and installation. They are designed to be strong and durable, with high-quality materials and construction techniques. Additionally, they are built to meet or exceed state and federal building codes, ensuring they are safe and secure.

  1. Quick and Easy Installation

Manufactured homes are built in a factory setting and then transported to their final location for installation. This means that installation is quick and easy, often taking only a few days. This can save you time and money compared to traditional stick-built homes, which can take months to construct.

  1. Community Amenities

Many manufactured homes are located in communities that offer a range of amenities such as pools, fitness centers, and playgrounds. This can provide a sense of community and access to amenities that may be otherwise out of reach.

Manufactured homes offer a range of benefits that make them an attractive housing option for many people. They are affordable, customizable, energy-efficient, durable, quick and easy to install, and often located in communities with amenities. If you’re considering purchasing a home, a manufactured home may be worth considering.

Jonathan Williams
Asst. GM/Sales Manager
DeTray’s Custom Housing

DeTray’s Holiday Food Drive – Help Those in Need

We have so much to Give Thanks for at this time of year! The terrible Covid virus has diminished. The contentious election noise has settled. Veterans Day reminds us of those who sacrificed for the freedoms of America. 

As we give thanks for our blessings, DeTray’s Custom Homes invites you to bring non-perishable food items to help those in need. Food donations are significantly down right now and there are many more visits to food pantries at the same time – almost double the amount of visits compared with the same time last year at Emergency Food Network.

Please stop by and donate your items at our office, 10209 149th St E, Puyallup.  The most requested items at this time are:

–     Canned proteins (like chicken, tuna and spam)

–     Peanut butter & nut butters

–     Canned fruits & vegetables (low sugar and sodium)

–     Baby food and formula

–     Canned chili or stew (with pop-top lids)

All donations are welcome and will go to the Emergency Food Network in Pierce County.

When those that have enough share with those in need, both are lifted and blessed. May we feel gratitude during this season, and give what we can: food, time, encouragement, love, and hope as we live with “Thanks Giving”!

Lora Whitemarsh, DeTray’s Housing Consultant

Is a 55-Plus Community a Good Idea?

I’m always asked “is it a good idea to purchase a home in a 55-plus community? I hear that they are difficult to sell and don’t retain their value.”

In some ways, buying a home in a retirement community is like any other home purchase. But in other ways, it’s not. Here are a few tips.

As with any home, it’s going to depend on supply and demand, the specific community and the individual house.

Fortunately, checking historic prices is relatively easy to do. If you’re looking at a house, search the county records online, see what it’s sold for in the past, and get an idea of whether the trend is up or down.

One of the main things that drives price appreciation in any kind of housing is an expanding demand with a limited supply. Is the population of the area increasing? See a lot of building going on? These are good signs.

And, before you buy, be sure to check any selling restrictions. Some communities force you to use their real estate agents. Others may prohibit putting signs in the yard. Many will require your buyer to be screened for age, finances and health before you can sell to them. In short, before you buy, see what the deal is if you should decide to sell.

Other tips:

  • Check the taxes. Some states, like Washington, don’t have state income taxes. But they do have high property tax rates.
  • See what’s going on. When you retire, you’ve got more time on your hands. What will your community provide to occupy you?
  • Research the rules. You know your community has age restrictions, but that could be the tip of the iceberg. Does it allow pets? Smoking a cigar outdoors? On-street parking? Talking on your balcony after 10 p.m.? You may be amazed by the restrictions you encounter.

Bottom line? While buying a home in a 55-plus community can be like buying a home anywhere, there are differences. As I’m fond of saying, always do checks before writing them.

Michelle Dux, DeTray’s Custom Housing Consultant

What is an Additional Dwelling Unit – ADU?

An accessory dwelling unit, usually just called an ADU, is a secondary housing unit on a single-family residential lot. They are also known as cottage housing, mother-in-law suites and granny flats.

ADU’s are intended to assist a variety of households to increase home and personal security by utilizing the existing infrastructure and community resources throughout the County, while protecting the existing character of single-family neighborhoods.

ADU’s are being utilized to a greater degree because we all have aging parents and grandparents that want to live independently but be close to family.   We have many customers that want to provide security and loving support for their family members.

Be aware that every County has general requirements, which includes the number of ADU’s allowed, type of unit, the size, detached or attached. Check out your specific county for details. Here are some examples.

And of course, we have beautiful homes that meet the requirements of ADU’s for every county. We have 2 models on our display lot with many more floor plans on our website. Feel free to check them out!

Michelle Dux
DeTray’s Custom Housing Consultant

Ocean Shores: A Special Place for Your New Manufactured Home

Hello Ocean Shores Neighbors!

Ocean waves, sandy beaches, the Canal, wooded lots, dancing kites, clams, golfing, great food…everything is special about beautiful Ocean Shores!  DeTray’s Custom Housing is proud to be part of this vibrant, growing community.  We have placed many new homes in Ocean Shores over the past twenty years.

We are proud sponsors of the North Beach Community TV channel, bringing you news and interesting happenings in Ocean Shores.  Check out the interview with happy customer and local, Johnny Gargano, featuring our “Little Bit Country” model, located at 276 Canal DR NE.  Better yet, come visit at our Open House July 30th, from 11:00-3:00.

Do you have family or friends that would like to join our community full time, or on week-ends?  We can build a custom home exactly the way they want it.  You get happy memories with those you love (AND a $500 referral fee when we build their house).  Your loved ones get a quality home, built quickly and affordably.  We get a happy new customer.  Your referral can make this a win-win-win! 

Come see us at the Open House, browse our Ocean Shores web page, or visit our seven model homes in Puyallup.  Enjoy this beautiful summer in Ocean Shores!

Jonathan Williams, Sales Manager

DeTray’s Custom Housing

Why Consider a New Manufactured Home Now?

Is this a good time to commit to a new manufactured home? The manufactured housing industry is currently experiencing long build times of 10-18 months.  Supply shortages and prices continue to fluctuate.  Worse, interest rates are rising rapidly.  Should I move forward to get my dream home now, or wait it out?


What does that mean?  It means buy the house you want now, so you can begin enjoying everything you love about it.  But committing to the house does NOT mean you have to commit forever to the financing that is available now.  As time goes by, your home becomes more valuable, worth more, and more.  A 30-year mortgage rarely lasts 30 years. You can always change your financing to more favorable terms later, should better rates and products become available.  Homeowners re-finance, or use a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), to take advantage of equity build-up.  They use the cash for investments, college funds, pay down debt, vacation, buy a boat or car etc.  Smart homeowners watch for a better financing opportunity, and make the move when the time is right. 

And if rates only get worse, you will be really glad you married the beautiful DeTray’s Custom Home you love when you did! 

Lora Whitemarsh, DeTray’s Custom Housing Consultant

The Time to Act is Now!

Do you have land? Should you move forward at this time to have your dream home built, remove and replace an old “trailer”, or add an ADU (Additional Dwelling Unit)?  The costs will continue to go up on both the house and the site-prep work. The prices have skyrocketed since Covid shut down so many businesses.The cost of every component is up, and it is difficult to get parts and supplies. Workers in every field are demanding higher wages. That forces prices even higher. On top of that, interest rates are climbing up. 

“I should have done this before!” can’t be helped now. Wouldn’t you rather look back in 2023 and say “I’m GLAD I did it then!” You will be enjoying your beautiful, custom, one-level manufactured home, on your big property, with a 30-year fixed rate mortgage. In the meantime, house and development costs, interest rates, delays and inflation will continue to soar, and you will not be affected by the chaos.  We truly believe you will regret not putting a home on the property as soon as possible. 

Come in and let us help you!

Lora Whitemarsh, DeTray’s Custom Housing Consultant