Come Home to More.
Manufactured homes are just like site-built houses in nearly every way except the most important… where they are built. Manufactured homes are designed, constructed, painted and inspected all under the protective roof of a modern Building Center. Anyone who has lived through a typical wet Northwest fall, winter and spring can immediately grasp the advantages of building indoors.
From something as simple as working with always-dry wood to installing name-brand appliances, the finished home is much more than the sum of its high-quality parts. That means extra value for the home buyer.
Quality Materials Always on Hand
Kiln-dried-dried lumber arrives dry, gets sored under cover, moves directly to the factory floor. Builders never have to work around shipping delays, and don’t have to work bad with materials.
Always having the right stuff in the same place day in and day out improves efficiency. In addition, consistency in the type and quality of raw materials ensures value.
Common-Sense Construction
Major components are pre-assembled and inspected, then secured in place. Floors and sub-floor installations go down before the walls go up. Internal carpentry shops next to the assembly line build all cabinetry, which is carried (not shipped) just a few feet for installation in the home.
Inspectors on site
All homes are checked as many as 200 times during the construction process by qualified inspectors working right in the Building Center.
National Building Code
The HUD Code is your guarantee of a well-built home that can be sited virtually anywhere. The HUD Code offers builders freedom to use the best, most modern materials and homes well-designed, durable and energy efficient.
Team Effort
Design and construction teams are just steps apart. As market demand or technology introduce new features, designers can quickly incorporate them into new homes. As these new features are added, any issues that come up on the factory floor can be resolved just as fast.

Michelle Dux
DeTray’s Housing Consultant