For over twenty years, I have stopped almost every day at Starbucks. I don’t want to calculate how much I have given to this company over the years, but it’s my one vice and I will continue to do it.
When I started visiting my favorite coffee shop, the cost of my “Quad Venti Non-fat Vanilla Latte” was $3.00. Today, while I order a different drink now, in a smaller cup, it’s $5.25. I think back to when I was a kid growing up in Sumner, I would swing by a local restaurant in the morning and get a to-go cup of coffee for less than a dollar.

Why am I sharing with you the price of coffee and what appears to be a severe caffeine addiction?
Prices on just about everything are going up, every day. In fact, I have never experienced a price decrease at my favorite coffee stand.
Just like Starbucks, the prices of homes are going up too, at times, several times a year. That’s why if you’re ready to make a decision, now is the time.
Last month a couple visited our sales center in Puyallup and mentioned to me that they had been in a year before and the home they wanted was $8,000 more than the last time they were in. I shared with them that the same home would be another $4,000 in the next twelve months. I said to them, “If you’re ready now, you should place your order.” They did and we helped them save thousands of dollars.
We would love to continue our conversations and see where we might be able to assist in your process and help you make the best decision possible for you. Feel free to call us at 253.840.6773 and let’s schedule a time to continue our discussions or have me answer any questions that you might have.
We are here and ready to serve you however we can, making sure your experience in purchasing a new home is a memorable one.