The Most ENERGY-EFFICIENT Homes in the Nation
Energy efficiency has always ranked at the top of home buyers’ features list. Good news – the Pacific Northwest manufactured home industry builds more ENERGY STAR® homes than anywhere else in the nation.
Energy Star® is a federal government certification that means the home has been independently verified to be at least 30% more energy-efficient than homes built to 1993 national Model Energy Code, or 15% more efficient than state energy code, whichever is more rigorous. These savings are based on heating, cooling, and hot water energy use and are typically achieved through improving five separate areas in the home:
Ducts carry air from central heat and air conditioning equipment to every room in the home. In a typical American home, ducts leak 20-30% of the air being forced through them. Tightly sealed ducts in ENERGY STAR® Homes are the proper size, made from quality materials, located properly and insulated to ensure energy efficiency and maintain comfort.
Air leakage accounts for 25-40% of the energy use for heating and cooling a typical home. ENERGY STAR® homes are sealed to reduce noise, moisture, and drafts – both in and out. Blocking outside air prevents dust, pollen, auto exhaust and insects from coming in. Stopping inside air from leaking out reduces escape of temperature-controlled air.
More than 50% of a home’s energy use goes to heating and cooling. High-efficiency heating and cooling equipment can lower utility bills, require less maintenance and result in a quieter home.
To maintain temperature efficiently and effectively, insulation must provide a continuous layer of protection. This involves careful installation without gaps, crimps, or compression, and careful attention to fitting around obstacles like pipes, wiring and outlets.
Windows typically make up 10-25% of a home’s exterior, yet as much as half of a home’s heat loss and gain travels through them. Advances in window technology can reduce this loss through double glazing low-e coatings, low conductance framing materials, thermal breaks and insulated frames.
These features contribute to improved home quality and homeowner comfort, and to lower energy demand and reduced air pollution. ENERGYSTAR® also encourages the use of energy-efficient lighting and appliances, as well as features designed to improve indoor air quality. And don’t forget utility promotions and rebates on appliances used in the home!
I personally invite you to visit our ENERGY STAR® homes at our design center! We look forward to seeing you soon!

Michelle Dux
DeTray’s Housing Consultant