DeTray’s Holiday Food Drive – Help Those in Need

We have so much to Give Thanks for at this time of year! The terrible Covid virus has diminished. The contentious election noise has settled. Veterans Day reminds us of those who sacrificed for the freedoms of America. 

As we give thanks for our blessings, DeTray’s Custom Homes invites you to bring non-perishable food items to help those in need. Food donations are significantly down right now and there are many more visits to food pantries at the same time – almost double the amount of visits compared with the same time last year at Emergency Food Network.

Please stop by and donate your items at our office, 10209 149th St E, Puyallup.  The most requested items at this time are:

–     Canned proteins (like chicken, tuna and spam)

–     Peanut butter & nut butters

–     Canned fruits & vegetables (low sugar and sodium)

–     Baby food and formula

–     Canned chili or stew (with pop-top lids)

All donations are welcome and will go to the Emergency Food Network in Pierce County.

When those that have enough share with those in need, both are lifted and blessed. May we feel gratitude during this season, and give what we can: food, time, encouragement, love, and hope as we live with “Thanks Giving”!

Lora Whitemarsh, DeTray’s Housing Consultant

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